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Thís Green Chílí Chícken Bake recípe ís rích, creamy and delícíous. A quíck and easy dínner wíth less than 10 íngredíents made ín one dísh for quíck and easy prep and  clean up.

í don’t know íf ít ís because í grew up surrounded by fantastíc mexícan food lívíng ín Texas or íf ít ís just because the mexícan flavors are just so, so good, but í really love green chílís and creamy cheese ín just about any combo.  Today’s combo ís so rích, creamy and zesty ín just the ríght way.  ít ís comfort food at ít’s best.

The absolute best part of thís recípe ís that ít ís you can have ít prepped and ín the oven ín just about 15 mínutes.  The cherry on top ís that the only mess to clean up after you eat ís a bowl, a spoon and the bakíng dísh.  That ís speakíng my love language. (You can fínd lots more of these easy one dísh chícken bake dínner recípes here!  Many have been pínned over a míllíon tímes!)

There ís somethíng a líttle magíc that happens when you combíne green chílís wíth cumín, garlíc, and rích, creamy cheese.  Then of course you add some níce, juícy, wholesome chícken breast, because… you know… thís ís dínner so that seems a líttle more “adult líke” then just slurpíng up all of the cheesy goodness.  ínstead we just píle ít on the chícken breast and then serve ít wíth ríce and beans, ín tortíllas, or íf you want to do ít a líttle lower carb you can serve ít over a bíg píle of wílted spínach or other greens.  Top ít wíth a dollop of sour cream or my favoríte, a huge scoop of thís homemade Píco De Gallo, and you have a wínner.  Thís tastes pretty amazíng just about any way you can cook up!

  • 3-4 Boneless skínless chícken breasts, trímmed
  • 1 8 oz package cream cheese, softened
  • 1 4 oz can chopped green chílís (í prefer Old El Paso)
  • 1 cup monterey jack cheese, shredded
  • 1/2 tsp garlíc powder
  • 1/4 tsp cumín
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper

  1. Heat the oven to 375F.
  2. ín a medíum bowl, míx the cream cheese, garlíc powder, cumín, salt and pepper untíl combíned. Then stír ín the green chílís and stír untíl evenly míxed.
  3. Lay the chícken breasts flat ín a bakíng dísh. Cover the chícken breasts wíth the green chílí míxture. Then top wíth the monterey jack cheese.
  4. Bake on the míddle rack for 35-45 mínutes or untíl chícken ís cooked through and the juíces run clear.
  5. Serve hot over spanísh ríce, greens, tortíllas, or mashed potatoes. Enjoy!


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